Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Perception is Everything

Everyone might see thing differently, kind of a broad statement yeah I know. What I really mean to say is what you may see might be completely different from what I'm seeing, I'll try and explain. We are both seeing the color red, and we both aren't wrong the color we see is red but the red you might see could be what I think is blue, does that make sense? Beau Otto presents a theory on illusions, his theory is that things are not what they seem and that we can be manipulated to what the illusionist wants. His theory is relatively correct in the sense that we are manipulated to buy what a certain seller wants, like food, something looks better than it actually. For example Mc Donald's uses color schemes to sell their products, the Big Mac looks way better with all the chemical enhancements and the most appealing back round. In psychology class we learn that companies use colors to influence our behavior, like red makes you feel hungry, blue and green make you feel calm and relaxed, and yellow makes you feel uncomfortable. Mc Donald's choose the color's red and yellow for the logo because they want you to feel hungry and come to their restaurant to eat, and yellow because they don't want you to stay there long. This just shows how large industries have us by a firm grip and we do want they desire. Another way we are being manipulated is the back round of an object. Beau Otto shows that a different color back round can change the appearance of an object, companies can make you buy a product by simply changing a back round. This might be weird but tampons and pad companies use this technique by making the back round either a dark blue color or by making the surroundings appear soft or cozy. Beau Otto is on the right track thinking how even the slightest detail can change your whole perception of an object or figure

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