Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Use the following words in a story: hypocrite, paperclip, city, telephone, cookie jar

"Cruiser 2-33 respond"
"What is it dispatcher?"
"We got a report of a multiple stabbing with a paperclip" replied the operator
"A paperclip?" said the officer. "That's a little bizarre."
Officer Billy J. Horton was a inner city cop, one of the only ones not corrupted by the Colombian drug dealers, him and his partner officer Hugh James planned to infiltrate the Colombian hide out. Officer James was new to the force and wanted to do good. The Colombians had their hands in the cookie jar with many of the force in their pocket.
"Dispatcher this is Cruiser 4-31, we're closer to the scene we'll respond." The voice crackled over the radio.
"Damn Colombians." Hugh said out loud. "Probably another drug deal gone wrong."
Officer Horton nodded in approval then piped up "You wanna just grab a coffee and head back to the station? It's been a long night."
"Sure" replied the other officer. "Then we can finish that paper work and finally bust those punks."
"Easy there junior we got to watch our step there's crooked cops everywhere. Let's just finish the work and we can look in to an investigation later."
Back at the station the telephone rang and officer Horton answered it. He hung up the phone and yelled at Hugh to grab his stuff.
"What's the situation?" Hugh asked as he shuffled his papers in a neat pile at the edge of his desk.
"We have a Colombian with multiple gunshot wounds still alive! Probably someone who was tired of the drug business and tried to get out." Horton shouted across the desk.
"Damn man! So where are we heading then?" Hugh responded excitedly.
"Hospital. He's in critical condition."
The officers showed up to the hospital and questioned the now stable patient. They found out where they were hiding the next shipment. A warehouse just out of town. They hopped into their cruiser and peeled off.
"You think this guy is messing with us Horton?" Hugh questioned.
Horton scratched his beard "Better not be screwing with us, or else I'd kill that f@#$%*!"
"Do ya think we'll have to shoot somebody?"
"Probably. Don't worry rook, won't be your first shooting."
As they arrived at the scene they turned off the lights to their cruiser and crawled into the empty lot. The warehouse stood there, the dark building outlined in the night sky by only the moon. The two officers drew their guns and made their way to the side entrance. As they approached Hugh whispered to Horton "You think we should call for back-up?"
"Don't worry, I don't think we're gonna need it..."
The officers moved into the warehouse and all of a sudden bright lights blinded the two officers.
"POLICE!" yelled Hugh
"Relax" Horton responded. "That word doesn't mean s#*! to these guys"
Hugh's eyes adjusted to the glare and saw a crowd of people holding a bountiful of guns all pointed towards him.
"Drop your gun Hugh, you're out numbered" said Horton
"I'm out numbered?" questioned Hugh his eyes slowly made their way to Horton who was now walking towards the crowd of people. "What happened to us?"
"There never was an us just a you and me" snorted Horton.
"But what about the dealers? Why did you want to put them away so badly?" Hugh spat out.
"The dealers are my rivals of course I'd want to see them outta this town." responded Horton.
"YOU HYPOCRITE!" yelled Hugh. "YOU F#$%ing BETRAYED ME!"
"Well I couldn't have a cop trying to put me behind bars now, that would just be stupid." Horton replied calmly.
Hugh's hands were trembling by his side "so what now, your just gonna kill me?"
"Yeah that's pretty much it, well can't say it was a pleasure" Horton raised his hand and gave the mob a signal. All of a sudden the small warehouse lit up with the sound of gun fire and the burning smell of gunpowder. With in seconds Hugh's lifeless body hit the floor, a pool of blood quickly formed around him. And just like that it was over, the place stood empty and silent, except Horton who laughed as he walked away.

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