Thursday, February 24, 2011

Walk A Paragraph

I woke up this morning to my head pounding, as I drag myself out of bed I got the reacurring taste of wiskey. A memory of a bad night. I pull myself to my feet and stumble my way to the bathroom to relieve myself. "Nothing out of the ordinary" I think to myself. "Just another average night at the bar." I walk out of the bathroom and make my way to my kitchen, I open the fridge to find all the shelfs empty. "Looks like I'm eating out again" I say to the emptiness of my run down apartment. I walk back to my bedroom to get dressed, not too many options to choose from. I grab the nicest pair of jeans I could find, it had a couple rips and tears but no noticable holes, and my old tattered jean jacket and walked out the door. The air outside was crisp, and I felt the cold air bite at my legs through the tears of my jeans. I didn't shower today, actually I haven't showered in a while, didn't matter, who was I trying to impress anyways? I walked a couple blocks down from my apartment to the mall, it was the closest place I could get something for breakfast. Once I reached the mall I headed to starbucks to get a coffee, anything to cure this throbbing hangover. I ordered my drink, a tall coffee, no sugar, no cream and went to sit outside where I could smoke. No one else was out there just me and my coffee. As I swirled the black liquid around I was joined by a couple with a little dog, a squirrelly looking thing that just stared at me with a strange look.
"Mind if I smoke?" I asked thinking to be polite.
"Uh no not at all" replied the man sitting beside his partner.
I took the carton of cigarettes out of my jacket pocket and looked inside, four cigarettes and a joint I must of rolled earlier. I took a cigarette and gestured to the couple if the wanted one. The man just showed his disapproval with a simple wave of his hand, I shrugged and pocketed the rest of the carton. I sat still for a while wondering what I'd do today, I looked up and saw a kid staring at me through the window of starbucks. What was he looking at? I mean I know I stand out of a crowd, but didn't his parents teach him it's wrong to stare? Maybe he was staring at my hair, showering for a week couldn't have looked good, or maybe my teeth, or the rest of my teeth. Feeling uncomfortable I downed my coffee and got ready to leave when I was interrupted but a voice.
"Hey Jerry!"
I turned around to see a familiar face heading towards me.
"How are ya?" He asked.
"Great man, what have you been up to?" I asked even though I couldn't put a name to his face.
"Not much, just working still. You still haven't found a job since you got laid off?" Said this unfamiliar face.
I must of knew him from somewhere, probably from a night at the bar. "Yeah still searching." I replied.
"Ah, that's s#*!$!, well keep looking, hey could I bum a smoke?" He said.
"Sure" I pulled out a cigarette and handed it to him. "Light?" I asked.
He nodded.
After I lit him up I gave him a wave and started to walk away. I headed back home where I could sleep off this hangover. I'd probably wake up sometime in the afternoon and head back to the bar just to repeat my new daily routine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Superpower

If I could have any superpower in the world, even though superpowers don't exist, I'd want to have telekinesis. Think about it to be able to move multiple things with your mind, you'd get so much done and it would be effortless, and since telekinesis is the bending of the rule of physics the weight of an object wouldn't matter you could lift cars with just a simple thought. With telekinesis anything is possible, you could make yourself fly by repelling yourself from the ground, and since I would be using it all the time it would just become a tool I'd use in everyday life. It would also be like having every superpower. You could run super fast by just making your legs speed up. You could breathe underwater by creating an air bubble around you. You'd be able to speed up and slow down time without ease. No one could tell you what to do. Compared to all the other super powers telekinesis wins by far, because it's anything you want. Teleporting would be way more efficient than driving and would take far less time, and would save you money. All of these powers are just a different variation of telekinesis, I would be able to do all these things like a pro in time, any other superpower would just be useless compared to telekinesis. All super heroes eventually lose but none of them have the power telekinesis, Superman is weakened by kryptonite and eventually dies, but there is no weakness to telekinesis, so there would be no way I could die. Spiderman runs around New York City in tights, and nice colour scheme buddy, red and blue who are you miss America? If I was a super hero I wouldn't wear tights, it makes you look a lot smaller than you actually are, as in muscle tone. "With great power comes great responsibility" Ben Parker.